Prayag Shukla
Poet, Novelist and an Art Critic
Prayag Shukla is a Poet, Novelist and an Art Critic. Prayag Shukla who was born in Kolkata is now the leading literary figure of Hindi literature. His famous creations is Sambhav (1976), Ek Din Hai (1980), Raat ka Ped Adhuri Chize Tamam (1987), Ye Jo Hara Hai (1990). Shri Shukla has been with Navbharat Times and awarded with Dwijdev Samman along with my other reputated honours. His writing are frequently published on National - International Art exhibition, movies and theatre. Prayag Shukla has been Guest Editor for Lalit Kala Academy for their well known magzine 'Samkaalin Kala'.