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Last One-Third

 Desired to peep into life 

Through Vedant Vision, 
Getting lost myself 
In unknown mission. 
Enjoyed the life, 
In way to consumerism, 
Landing up ultimately 
In distressed extremism. 
Roaming throughout life, 
In quest of peace, 
Observing all around 
Sufferings,--- not so ease, 
Realising the life 
In one- third last 
Loving and only love 
In minds at first. 
Listening eternal song 
The Almighty plays, 
Going towards that 
Love.....the only ways. 

Explanation of the Poetry :-

Aging is scary but fascinating, and great talent morphs in strange and often enlightening ways.”(Springsteen).
 The more common term these days is reinvention.

Whatever word we may use, the dynamics are the same: We reach a turning point in our life when outside forces and inner yearnings merge to convince us that we need a new path to remain vital and relevant. Enlightenment is what happens, hopefully, along the way.

With a keener sense of the passage of time, we may simply feel inspired to finally pursue a long-held  dream.

But reinvention is happening in the more intimate aspects of our lives too. The shifting family dynamics spur changes in our relationships, we naturally begin to more deeply ponder our purpose and our values.

The process of reinvention often isn’t easy. “Change is hard,” says Lynn Berger,  “You have to take the time to understand what is happening, not just feel threatened and react.”

But when we come out the other side, the rewards are incalculable.

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