Voices come in all shapes and sizes. When we are small the voices are small and as we grow they do too. We start indulging ourselves in countless sins and keep pushing ourselves into this unknown world of fiction where everything's dark... and scary... and gloomy and try to become the beacon of light in our own self made fictitious world.
Recognition is a very crucial aspect of our life but at the same time it's critical too. Just as there is a very thin line difference between a truth and a lie, so is there with recognition and resentment.
Both these recognition and resentment come from the same place... from the want of being acknowledged. One of which is driven by love and respect and other by grudge, anger and fear.
We keep feeding ourselves with lies about this world and keep denying anything that's above our understanding. Denial leads to the resentment of our own selves and we start to grow into something that we are definitely not, but as time passes our true colours are lost in an abyss of our lies and what's left of us is our fake self that we moulded ourselves into.
Just like Lucifer, once an archangel driven by hate and lust for power was damned to become a Fallen Angel and rule over hell for an eternity. The same thing happens to us, we start to rule over our own made up world just to be the person who we want to be even for just a single second. That's how important it is to us.
Time slows down at this moment and we start imagining the perfect self of ours and it does feel like eternity.
Whether this is righteous or sinful does not matter to us anymore as by then we are so full of obsession with our own falsehood that it starts to seem to be the truth! And that's all in it for us.
But I do have one question for you all.... Is that how it should be?