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Are We Enjoying Freedom ?

 Aang San Suu Kyi who is the world famous political leader and symbol of peace has defined freedom as “Real freedom is freedom from fear and unless you can live free from fear you cannot live a dignified human life”.India being a largest democratic country in the world is enjoying the gifts of freedom from past 60 to 70 years. India’s freedom is having particular characteristics. It was a freedom struggle which was focused on completely peaceful efforts. Our peaceful efforts changed the definition of freedom struggle all over the world. We became the ideals for so many countries and the leaders. 

If the real meaning of freedom is freedom from fear then are we really free from fear? India is proceeding further in two different directions. One segment of the society is completely free from fear and the other segment always lives with fear. But ironically both the segments are shaping and developing the country’s fate. 
The uppermost level of the society comprises the leaders, officers,administrative officers and businessman. Most of these people are fearless because they are very well aware about the disability of the government and the law. It’s really what we always say “Corruption at every square foot”.The leaders whose name is so far involved in the corruption are fearless.One after another we are disclosing new scams of corruption. The recent controversy on “Adarsh Society” and “The telecommunication Scam”,which is the country’s biggest scam has put forth a question mark in front of whole nation that how unequipped we are in the forms of ethics, law and government. We are bewildered by our realization that what are the use of gifts of freedom and democracy if at the same time the same democracy hands us the means and ways by which we can put our own nation in danger.We are drifting ourselves towards the possibilities of endangering the future of our own nation. 
Frankly speaking we are troubled by the thought that our leaders don’t bother for the nation. Giving resignation from the post is not the solution.The people want now action. It should be the search for the truth with 
definite punishment to the people who are involved. By giving the resignation what they want to prove? It means that if one is leaving the post the is giving a chance to another? It is the dilemma that is forming serious questions in the public mind. Whether we will be able to curb corruption or we have to cling with the same system having the repercussion of corruption? Are our leaders concern solely with their selfishness or they will start thinking for the whole nation? The past scams and scandals shows the helplessness of the government and law. The commissions and the committees are without any result. So the leaders are so bold not to bother for any grave consequences. This is the truth that is threatening us. 
We accepted democracy and complete freedom but corruption and dishonesty are its bi-products. One corrupt leader is asking the other corrupted to resign and say sorry to the nation. Today all these leader shave changed from aristocrat to hypocrite. I am sure the way out of this treacherous politics is difficult. It has become completely indistinguishable at the point of origin. 
On the other hand the major segment of our society is always living in fear.It can be the fear of failure, fear of job, fear of competition or fear of death.The common man is always in fear. So how right is it to say that we enjoy complete freedom? Those who stand courageously against the injustice or against corruption he has to face terrible consequences, to the extreme it can be death also. Recently many young people started their campaign against the corruption. But they find themselves alone in this fight. The truth was buried along with them. Satyandra Dubey, Manjunathan, and many more such examples can be given that how the people in power are distorting the law. The fact remains that majority of the people are still living with fear. 
Let the world know that what dare consequences we are facing while living in a largest democratic country. We are now face to face with this urgent question “Can we be able to stop this or we will have to live with it?” giving only examples to other nations and just setting ideals in the form of illusions.This is what we have to answer to this generation. The hour is late and our work has scarcely begun. 

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