This poem was written by me for my daughter long ago when she has to participate in poem reciting competition.By chance i found it today.The name of my poem is Gods Almighty.
Who almighty is behind this glorious nature.
Who almighty is the creator.
Who gave wings to birds to fly.
To touch the heights of the sky.
Who makes the air to blow.
Who make the sun so bright to glow.
Who wakes us with shinning sunlight.
And switches off sun,so we can rest at night.
Who filled colours in all these beautiful flowers.
Who cures the thirst of earth with brizzling showers.
Who's behind this springs and fountains.
The snow filled these shinning mountains.
Who filled ocean with water and colourful fishes.
Who filled jungle with different species.
Who's behind these colourful parrots and bulbuls song.
The printed
zebras,dancing deer and giraffe with a neck long.
Who's the almighty whom we never see or hear.
But whom we remember when our eyes shed a tear.
Its only one almighty ,my lord with different names.
Some say Allah,some say Ram ,some say Guru,
But he is same ,he is same,he is same.
By Ravi Mittal.